Friday, 16 December 2011
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Looking back on your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
My aims after completing my preliminary task were to, gain more confidence and independence using the different editing programs (On Location and Adobe Premiere Pro).
To be more consistant in my filming and editing, making sure that all the camera movements flowed together nicely.
To become more organised with posting on my blog and getting my work in at the alotted times.
I feel that I have sucessfully achieved my aim to become more confident and independent when using programs such as Adobe Premiere Pro and On Location.For example, when using On Location I have learnt that at the beginning and end of filming I should film some footage of no relevance or use so that if the file corrupts it wont effect any of the footage I need. I have also learnt how to link and unlink the audio file and add audio fades, although it did take a while due to my visual imparement. This also meant that I didn't learn how to do the more complicated things because I found it extremely hard to see the icons. However, it did not hold me back ads my partner was very understanding and able to help me with the more complicated areas.
I feel that my consistancy when filming and editing has improved greatly since the preliminary task. Things ran much more smoothly and clearly with less jumps and you could clearly see the differnt type shots (match in action).
I feel that I partially achieved my aim to become more organised as I did manage to organise and remeber meetings with the cast and to look at locations ect brinign all the right materials and resorces needed. However, my organisation where the blog work was concerned, wasn't so good. Although a lot of this was due to technical, issues I could have also done more to ensure that it was in on time. For example setting more of my free time aside to travel to college to finish the work.
To be more consistant in my filming and editing, making sure that all the camera movements flowed together nicely.
To become more organised with posting on my blog and getting my work in at the alotted times.
I feel that I have sucessfully achieved my aim to become more confident and independent when using programs such as Adobe Premiere Pro and On Location.For example, when using On Location I have learnt that at the beginning and end of filming I should film some footage of no relevance or use so that if the file corrupts it wont effect any of the footage I need. I have also learnt how to link and unlink the audio file and add audio fades, although it did take a while due to my visual imparement. This also meant that I didn't learn how to do the more complicated things because I found it extremely hard to see the icons. However, it did not hold me back ads my partner was very understanding and able to help me with the more complicated areas.
I feel that my consistancy when filming and editing has improved greatly since the preliminary task. Things ran much more smoothly and clearly with less jumps and you could clearly see the differnt type shots (match in action).
I feel that I partially achieved my aim to become more organised as I did manage to organise and remeber meetings with the cast and to look at locations ect brinign all the right materials and resorces needed. However, my organisation where the blog work was concerned, wasn't so good. Although a lot of this was due to technical, issues I could have also done more to ensure that it was in on time. For example setting more of my free time aside to travel to college to finish the work.
Friday, 4 March 2011
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product ?
I found my phone extremely useful when it came to organisation as I could set reminders and sticky notes for any deadlines or meetings. Its quick and simple to use and simply rings an alarm and comes up with the list of things I need to do and when for. This also meant I could remind myself in advance as so I could assure that I had done things in the allotted time and not been rushing things last minuet.
Facebook although widely know as a popular social networking sight was also very useful when I needed quick responses. It was also useful when doing my research because it enabled me to find out what kind of audience i should be aiming my film at. I also set up a feedback group which I regularly imbedded short clips of my film, mood boards the animatic and other such materials. I also linked my blog in so that people could keep updated and put in their own thoughts and views.
I used photo shop predominantly in making the animtic and story board. I also had to use it to put in some of the pictures on my blog due to technical problems. I found this very useful as it was fairly quick and easy to use once you got the hang of it .However, it did prove a little tedious.
I found that although blogger was quite useful for recoding my progress with my work and helped remind me where I was at, it also proved to be quite frustrating at times. It took quite a while to upload pictures and then fit in the text nicely with it and I have had to put in quite a few of the pictures in last minute because of the difficulties.
I found youtube quite tricky at first because i had only ever used youtube to look at videos and had never attempted posting any of my own. However, after working with my partner and slowing getting the hang of it, it soon became much easier to upload various versions of my film the animatic and even part of my evaluation on there. It also proved very useful in my research looking at all the different styles within film noir. It was also useful for feedback when someone viewed or commented on the videos either me or my partner would receive an update e-mail which we could then work from to make changes and improvements.
Using all of this technology helped me in achieving my task because it enabled me to organise myself and time keep, research , make my work neat and presentable, to make sense and keep track of the work I had done, get feeeback on the work I had done and keep up to date with my work (although admitidly not every deadline was met)
Cannon digital Ixus 8015 was the camera that was used to film my piece. This was far easier to used than a handy cam because the file format was digital. This means that you do not have to used adobe or on location to upload the footage on to the compute. This camera also had a black and white feature making it easier to create that film noir effect. the camwea was strapped securely to a tripod which could be moved easily to capture things at different angles. The use of a tripod made it much easier to be exact with every shot and removed the danger of unnecessary movements which could have reduced the quality of my opening sequence.
Sony Handycam: I only used this camera once when shooting my audience feedback for question five of this evaluation. I found it very useful as it was quick and easy to use. I also used a tripod to make each shot steady so as not to reduce the quality. However it was much harder to use in terms of uploading the footage on to the computer. I also found it very hard to read the camera screen.
I only used On Location (OL) once when editing the footage for my evaluation. I found it quite hard to use as the first time the hole file was corrupt and I had to begin filming again. The program also repeatedly crashed leaving me unsure whether the work I had done had actually been saved. However, once I had sorted out the problems it proved easier to edit than I though although I found it extremely hard to see the different icons.
I found Premier Pro quite challenging to use as again I found it hard to see the icons and had to ask my partner for a lot of help. However, after a while I got the hang of using the program and could do the basics. For example, brightness control, audio fades and razor cutting)
I also had trouble with the program after I had edited because it became very jumpy and glitchy. However, I fixed this problem by rendering it after editing.
To get my film opening on to my blog I simply copied the HTML in to my blog from youtube.
I found most of the technology I used in the task very useful however others such as Premier and On Location to be quite temperamental and difficult to access due to my visual impairment. This was also a problem for me when using the Sony Handycam to upload my footage on to the computer as I couldn’t see the little screen to rewind or forward wind to the right place.
I found my phone extremely useful when it came to organisation as I could set reminders and sticky notes for any deadlines or meetings. Its quick and simple to use and simply rings an alarm and comes up with the list of things I need to do and when for. This also meant I could remind myself in advance as so I could assure that I had done things in the allotted time and not been rushing things last minuet.
Facebook although widely know as a popular social networking sight was also very useful when I needed quick responses. It was also useful when doing my research because it enabled me to find out what kind of audience i should be aiming my film at. I also set up a feedback group which I regularly imbedded short clips of my film, mood boards the animatic and other such materials. I also linked my blog in so that people could keep updated and put in their own thoughts and views.
I used photo shop predominantly in making the animtic and story board. I also had to use it to put in some of the pictures on my blog due to technical problems. I found this very useful as it was fairly quick and easy to use once you got the hang of it .However, it did prove a little tedious.
I found that although blogger was quite useful for recoding my progress with my work and helped remind me where I was at, it also proved to be quite frustrating at times. It took quite a while to upload pictures and then fit in the text nicely with it and I have had to put in quite a few of the pictures in last minute because of the difficulties.
I found youtube quite tricky at first because i had only ever used youtube to look at videos and had never attempted posting any of my own. However, after working with my partner and slowing getting the hang of it, it soon became much easier to upload various versions of my film the animatic and even part of my evaluation on there. It also proved very useful in my research looking at all the different styles within film noir. It was also useful for feedback when someone viewed or commented on the videos either me or my partner would receive an update e-mail which we could then work from to make changes and improvements.
Using all of this technology helped me in achieving my task because it enabled me to organise myself and time keep, research , make my work neat and presentable, to make sense and keep track of the work I had done, get feeeback on the work I had done and keep up to date with my work (although admitidly not every deadline was met)
Cannon digital Ixus 8015 was the camera that was used to film my piece. This was far easier to used than a handy cam because the file format was digital. This means that you do not have to used adobe or on location to upload the footage on to the compute. This camera also had a black and white feature making it easier to create that film noir effect. the camwea was strapped securely to a tripod which could be moved easily to capture things at different angles. The use of a tripod made it much easier to be exact with every shot and removed the danger of unnecessary movements which could have reduced the quality of my opening sequence.
Sony Handycam: I only used this camera once when shooting my audience feedback for question five of this evaluation. I found it very useful as it was quick and easy to use. I also used a tripod to make each shot steady so as not to reduce the quality. However it was much harder to use in terms of uploading the footage on to the computer. I also found it very hard to read the camera screen.
I only used On Location (OL) once when editing the footage for my evaluation. I found it quite hard to use as the first time the hole file was corrupt and I had to begin filming again. The program also repeatedly crashed leaving me unsure whether the work I had done had actually been saved. However, once I had sorted out the problems it proved easier to edit than I though although I found it extremely hard to see the different icons.
I found Premier Pro quite challenging to use as again I found it hard to see the icons and had to ask my partner for a lot of help. However, after a while I got the hang of using the program and could do the basics. For example, brightness control, audio fades and razor cutting)
I also had trouble with the program after I had edited because it became very jumpy and glitchy. However, I fixed this problem by rendering it after editing.
To get my film opening on to my blog I simply copied the HTML in to my blog from youtube.
I found most of the technology I used in the task very useful however others such as Premier and On Location to be quite temperamental and difficult to access due to my visual impairment. This was also a problem for me when using the Sony Handycam to upload my footage on to the computer as I couldn’t see the little screen to rewind or forward wind to the right place.
How did you attract/address your audience?
I feel that I was successful in atracting my audinece because when i showed my opening to my selected group of people and my class (between the ages of 17-19) i got very posative feedback. Although, some of my audience thought it wams more aproapirate for a slightly older age group they were still able to recognise that my opening belonged to the film noir genre, though they hadn't watched many.
A number of people said they liked it because it was unique and had a very different feel to most of the films released at the moment.
They also said they liked the fact that the combination of camera work and music created a feeling of sexual tension. They also thought the music gave the woman an almost sinister feel making them question her character.
I was expecting my audience to be a little confused due to my use of the enigma codes but they all said they understood it and could see that i had intended to create mystery between my two main characters.
Here is a short clip of one of the members of my audience giving their feedback.
Who would be the audience for your media product?
Age of target audience: 16 upwards
Gender: mixed (I would like it to be suitable for both males and females)
I would like my film to appeal to a wide range of people around my age group (16-17) upwards. Ideally id like it to reach out to a more refined audience who are individualist and creative as film noir is quite often seen as an “arty” genre that steers away from the usual mainstream films.
This type of film would be shown in a smaller independent cinema such as the Electric cinema in Birmingham. This is because these cinemas tend to show more individual or “indie” films and don’t often show mainstream films. There for I believe that our audience would be individualists (psychographic) people who are not afraid to stand out from the crowd and who are creative, rather than mainstreamers who tend to conform to the norm and don’t like standing out.
I would also like to aim my audience at B C1 (demographic) these are classed as more intelligent people. I would like this because I want my audience to be able to work out what is happening and what is about to happen by themselves rather than having a simpler main stream plot which works out the story for them.
What kind of media institution might distribute your particular social group?
The distributer I thought most appropriate for my opening was Vertigo. I thought this was the most appropriate because my opening is a smaller individualist, niche product more likely to be released by a smaller distributer and shown in cinemas such as the Electric cinema and midlands Arts Centre.
This is because it is unlike most of the mainstream films that are released and is more likely to attract people who are more creative and individual.
However, the down side to this is that because it is a smaller distribution company there would be a smaller distribution budget making it harder to advertise and promote our film to make people aware of it. Vertigo are not part of a major conglomeration and are not horizontally integrated so don't benefit from the power of synergy This means I would have to be more innovative in thinking of ways to promote my film. For example, Metrodome when promoting their film Shifty used a picture of someone on CCTV taking drugs with their face blocked out on their website where you could then replace it with one of your friends faces and E-mail it to them so they would think they had been court on camera taking drugs. The picture also came with the information about Shifty. This was a creative and clever way of promoting their film. This type of viral marketing I think would be useful for my film.
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Women are represented in quite an emergent light in my piece, through the femme-fatale. She is the dominant character because she is in control of her sexuality and she manipulates the male in to doing what she wants.
She is often the one who initiates flirtatious behaviour, such as stroking her finger down the glass, taking her cigarette out with her mouth and initiating the kiss at the end.
However this also frames women in a very residual light because she is still using her sexualisation to draw the male in.
The way her character is positioned to the audience also shows her in quite a residual light. For example when she is running her fingers up the glass it’s almost as if looking from the male gaze making her the object rather than the subject. This is a very residual idea of women being the subject to the male gaze.
The close up of her eyes is also quite sexualised as she is looking back and forth to the male
drawing him in further.
The femme-fatale also has more screen time that the male and when she is in a shot it is usually a close up. Even when there is a two shot of them together the camera always seems to be slightly closer to her connoting her importance and that everything that happens, happens because she wants it too.
Unlike most typical Femme-fatale she is not wearing particularly revealing clothes and they do not suggest anything untoward. She draws the male in purely through her flirtatious behaviour.
Men are shown in both a residual and emergent light in my piece. For example at the very beginning he is seen to be quite cold. For example this close up shows him staring fixed at the camera in contrast to the females shifting glances.
There is also a difference in the way the male and female behave towards each other. For example at the beginning when we see the women running her fingers seductively up and down the glass we are then shown the shot of the man just casually picking up his glass, there is no sign of flirtatious behaviour from the male.
This follows residual ideology of men because it is the woman who is being sexualised and the man who is observing.
However, although the woman may be the one who is sexualised it is the man who is the most vulnerable because the woman is using her seductive charm to draw him in and take control. we get a sense of the males vulnerability when the male says “I felt like a helpless baby” It is almost as if the woman is toying with him showing her availability but making him wait and work for what he wants.
This is a very emergent idea of men being the weaker sex and allowing the woman to take control.
The finishing shot at the end of my piece also frame men in quite a residual light as all we can see is his silhouette dehumanising him making him
The shot of the mysterious male holding the gun demonstrates phallocentricity. The fact that he has a gun shows off his masculinity and sense of power and strength. This is almost like a shot from James Bond “The Man With The Golden Gun
. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media ?
- Hello I am Rhiannon Valadini and I am the co producer of “One Two Many”.
- My piece can be clearly recognised as a real film opening because of the block credits at the beginning. I used block titles to enhance the realism of the piece making it overall more authentic.
- It is also recognisable as a real film opening because of the use of credits throughout the opening sequence. I used this type of title because it shows the typical conventions of a real opening title sequence.
- Another way in which it can be recognised as a real film opening is by the use of Barthes enigma code. This is another example of a typical convention of film openings.
- The use of music over the action of the scene is also another example of how this piece can be recognised as a real film opening.
- The use of black and white is one way that my piece can be recognised as belonging to the film noir genre, as it is one of the typical conventions of film noir.
I also included typical characters associated with film noir in my opening such as the Femme-fatale and the heroin who falls for her. These particular characters are also some of the key conventions associated with film noir films. The femme-fatale uses her sexuality to draw the man in slowly. Fore example how she strokes the glass at the very beginning and how she initiates the kiss. It is often the femme-fatale that carries the power and control leaving the man weak and venerable.
A voice over was also included in my piece demonstrating yet another typical convention of the film noir genre,
- There was also an emphasis on the cigarettes using close up’s to connote their importance. This is a typical method used by the film noir genre.
At the end of my opening there is a close up of the mysterious mans feet rubbing out the cigarette this is another example of typical cinematography used by the film noir genre.
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Monday, 24 January 2011
second version of rough piece:
This is the version with the dialogue in. I have also posted this up on facebook for feed back. Both versions are also on youtube.
Rough piece
This is the rough version of our final piece. We still need to smooth some of the edges and edit a few little things. This one has had the dialogue removed. I have uploaded both this version and the version with speech on to facebook for feedback.
Organisation: New Shoot
Organisation of shoot
The filming will take place outside Tiffany’s house on Saturday the 8th of January in the afternoon. The cast will be meeting Tiffany at her house and make up will be done there. However, actors will be bringing their own costumes rather than us supplying them.
Not much needs to be done in the way of preparing the set as it all takes place outside. However some source of light will have to be provided to create effect and so the actors can still see when it gets dark.
Here is the shot-list for Fridays shoot:
1. Mid shot- Of woman leaning against the wall, putting a cigarette to her lips outside the bar and the man walking out of the bar door.
2. Mid Shot- Woman smoking and exhaling as man walks across the screen.
3.Back to the mid shot of woman smoking(17)
4.Back to the mid shot/ Close up of the woman smoking (17)
5. Mid shot- Woman going to walking back inside and man pulling her back.
6. Close Up- Of man lighting the woman’s cigarette (dialogue begins)
7.Two shot- of man in the background talking to the woman and woman in the foreground still exhaling
8. Back to the Two shot woman talking (18)
9.Mid shot- Woman exhaling and in the background there is a shallow depth of field showing a mysterious looking man.
10.Back to mid shot of woman (23)
11. Back to the mid shot (23)
12.Two shot- Of man and woman standing outside the door against the wall.
14.Back to the two shot (24) Shot/Reverse Shot
15. Back to the two shot (24).
16. Back to two shot (24)
17. Back to a two shot (24)
18.Back to the two shot (24)
19.Back to the two shot (24)- man going in for a kiss, woman rejecting him, she goes to reach for another cigarette, man also reaches for a cigarette of his own.
20.Mid Shot- Of mysterious man in the background- use of pull focus so he becomes clear
21. Mid shot- of Mysterious looking man putting on his hat .
22.Mid shot - of mysterious man walking closer the corner of the wall.
23.Long Shot – Man and woman standing at a slight angle to each other not fully facing each other , she lights up the cigarette, exhales, then grabs the man to kiss him
24.Long shot- of the mysterious man on the pavement, different angle to the one before.
25.Close up- Man Stroking the Woman’s arm- Match on action from previous shot.
26.Close up- of his feet rubbing out the cigarette
27.Close up- of the mans face as he looks up from the floor
28.Over the Shoulder Shot (from side on)- Of the man looking at the woman
29. Camera pulls out to a long shot to show the man and woman standing against the wall whilst the man takes out a cigarette and hands it to the woman.
30.Extreme Close up- Of woman taking a drag from the cigarette.
The filming will take place outside Tiffany’s house on Saturday the 8th of January in the afternoon. The cast will be meeting Tiffany at her house and make up will be done there. However, actors will be bringing their own costumes rather than us supplying them.
Not much needs to be done in the way of preparing the set as it all takes place outside. However some source of light will have to be provided to create effect and so the actors can still see when it gets dark.
Here is the shot-list for Fridays shoot:
1. Mid shot- Of woman leaning against the wall, putting a cigarette to her lips outside the bar and the man walking out of the bar door.
2. Mid Shot- Woman smoking and exhaling as man walks across the screen.
3.Back to the mid shot of woman smoking(17)
4.Back to the mid shot/ Close up of the woman smoking (17)
5. Mid shot- Woman going to walking back inside and man pulling her back.
6. Close Up- Of man lighting the woman’s cigarette (dialogue begins)
7.Two shot- of man in the background talking to the woman and woman in the foreground still exhaling
8. Back to the Two shot woman talking (18)
9.Mid shot- Woman exhaling and in the background there is a shallow depth of field showing a mysterious looking man.
10.Back to mid shot of woman (23)
11. Back to the mid shot (23)
12.Two shot- Of man and woman standing outside the door against the wall.
14.Back to the two shot (24) Shot/Reverse Shot
15. Back to the two shot (24).
16. Back to two shot (24)
17. Back to a two shot (24)
18.Back to the two shot (24)
19.Back to the two shot (24)- man going in for a kiss, woman rejecting him, she goes to reach for another cigarette, man also reaches for a cigarette of his own.
20.Mid Shot- Of mysterious man in the background- use of pull focus so he becomes clear
21. Mid shot- of Mysterious looking man putting on his hat .
22.Mid shot - of mysterious man walking closer the corner of the wall.
23.Long Shot – Man and woman standing at a slight angle to each other not fully facing each other , she lights up the cigarette, exhales, then grabs the man to kiss him
24.Long shot- of the mysterious man on the pavement, different angle to the one before.
25.Close up- Man Stroking the Woman’s arm- Match on action from previous shot.
26.Close up- of his feet rubbing out the cigarette
27.Close up- of the mans face as he looks up from the floor
28.Over the Shoulder Shot (from side on)- Of the man looking at the woman
29. Camera pulls out to a long shot to show the man and woman standing against the wall whilst the man takes out a cigarette and hands it to the woman.
30.Extreme Close up- Of woman taking a drag from the cigarette.
Filming Plan: New script
As we have changed where the dialogue takes place due to the fact that we have had to change locations we have re done the script so it makes sense.
-voiceover exposition of man’s voice- she was blonde/brunette/a redhead,(delete as appropriate) and legs for hours (should start when he starts looking at her)
- A woman is seated at the bar, by herself. At the other side of the bar there’s is a man, looking intently at the female. He seems to be attracted to her as he watches what she does and shows the male gaze of looking at her eyes and lips.
Nothing is said but both characters look back and forth to each other (shots 1-10) until the woman pulls out a packet of cigarettes (shot 11). The man responds by pulling out a lighter (shot 12). She walks out of the door outside to go smoke (shot 13), he follows. (shot 14)
Outside the bar on the street, you can still hear the music faintly playing in the background.
(shot 15)
Woman: (lights cigarette and avoids looking at the man and leans against the wall) (shot 16)
Man: (after lighting her cigarette) a thank you would be nice. (shot 17) (walks to the other side of her)
Exposition voiceover: Dames. Jeez. They rip your heart out without even breaking a sweat.
Woman: (exhales cigarette smoke) you’re trying too hard. (shot 18)
Man: I can tell you’re flattered.
Woman: (sarcastically) Yes. I’ve never been talked to by a guy at a bar ever in my whole god damn life before. (shot 19) Do you talk to every girl you see at a bar?
Man: Only the beautiful ones. I’m sorry dollface. I didn’t realise you were so… sensitive. (shot 20)
Woman: you don’t get any points for modesty (shot 21)
Man: humph. I didn’t bring up scoring. But either way, if id known it woulda’ made no difference. (shot 21)
Woman: (drops her cigarette on the floor, sighs and moves towards the door as if to go inside.
Man: (he touches the wall she was leaning against and looks down shaking his head a bit in regret. He grabs her arm and pulls her back to face him. (shot 22)
Exposition voiceover: My heart felt like it had been run over by a ten tonne truck,(pause) then reversed on.
Man: Please, accept this humble offering (holds out another cigarette between index and middle finger) (shot 24)
Woman: (looks down at the cigarette almost in disgust but takes it from him anyway).
Man: The names Hank. Hank Leonard. (He offers her hand to her in greeting but she doesn’t respond) Pleased to meet ya’. (shot 25 last part of dialogue only cue.)
Woman: (not looking at him- looking down at the cigarette- says this quite quickly after his dialogue) What do you do Hank?
Man: I have various means
Woman: cop, huh? You certainly look like the type.
Man: You could say that’s part of it. But, I aint short on money.
Woman: (turns to him as she hasn’t been facing him the whole time- has a bit of a smile) (shot 26) and what do you do with all your money?
Man: mostly investments. You know. Stocks and shares.….. and I own a little theatre…. (shot 27- last part of dialogue cue)
Woman: I wouldn’t have thought of you as lover of the arts
Man: Im like a cake, theres always another layer
Woman: (looked shocked/disgusted) And what if I don’t like sweet things?. (shot 28)
Man: (tries to shrug the comment off) A dame like you? Okay…. Well then a diamond, so many different faces and sides of one thing. (shot 29) That better? (shot 30)
Woman: I don’t buy a lot of bullshit about diamonds being a girls best friend.
Man: friends are never worth the trouble.
Woman: I pride myself on not being in trouble. Pass me another cigarette.
Man: coming right up. ( shot 31)
Camera pulls out (shot 32)
Man: (passing a cigarette to her) Enjoy.
Woman: (takes cigarette and takes a drag) (shot 33)
Man: So (pause), what do you do?
Woman: (removes cigarette from her mouth and flicking the ash on the floor) I play all day (places cigarette back in mouth sexily)
Man: (stroking her arm) and what about the night? (shot 37)
Woman: (takes cigarette back out of her mouth) I try not to get bored. (shot 38 til end of dialogue.)
Man: (leans in to kiss the woman)
Woman: (turns away) I’m gunna smoke another cigarette (takes out another cigarette from packet cigarette packet from her clutch bag)
Man: (balls up his fist) I’ll join you (also takes out a packet of cigarettes)
Cuts away to the man we saw before. He puts on his trilby hat and moves closer to them still behind the wall but closer to the corner. (shot 39)
The woman leans against the wall . He is already ready with the lighter. He lights up her cigarette. She takes a drag and leans her head back watching the smoke as she exhales. She then grabs the man by his tie and kisses him. (shot 40) The man begins to caress her arms. He pulls away and offers him his hand. They walk together out of the frame.
Cuts away to the ally where the man in the hat appears at the corner. (shot 41) Puts his hands in his pockets. (shot 42) Looks down and then rubs out the cigarette under his foot. (shot 43) Then back up and walks away.
Music fades out.
-voiceover exposition of man’s voice- she was blonde/brunette/a redhead,(delete as appropriate) and legs for hours (should start when he starts looking at her)
- A woman is seated at the bar, by herself. At the other side of the bar there’s is a man, looking intently at the female. He seems to be attracted to her as he watches what she does and shows the male gaze of looking at her eyes and lips.
Nothing is said but both characters look back and forth to each other (shots 1-10) until the woman pulls out a packet of cigarettes (shot 11). The man responds by pulling out a lighter (shot 12). She walks out of the door outside to go smoke (shot 13), he follows. (shot 14)
Outside the bar on the street, you can still hear the music faintly playing in the background.
(shot 15)
Woman: (lights cigarette and avoids looking at the man and leans against the wall) (shot 16)
Man: (after lighting her cigarette) a thank you would be nice. (shot 17) (walks to the other side of her)
Exposition voiceover: Dames. Jeez. They rip your heart out without even breaking a sweat.
Woman: (exhales cigarette smoke) you’re trying too hard. (shot 18)
Man: I can tell you’re flattered.
Woman: (sarcastically) Yes. I’ve never been talked to by a guy at a bar ever in my whole god damn life before. (shot 19) Do you talk to every girl you see at a bar?
Man: Only the beautiful ones. I’m sorry dollface. I didn’t realise you were so… sensitive. (shot 20)
Woman: you don’t get any points for modesty (shot 21)
Man: humph. I didn’t bring up scoring. But either way, if id known it woulda’ made no difference. (shot 21)
Woman: (drops her cigarette on the floor, sighs and moves towards the door as if to go inside.
Man: (he touches the wall she was leaning against and looks down shaking his head a bit in regret. He grabs her arm and pulls her back to face him. (shot 22)
Exposition voiceover: My heart felt like it had been run over by a ten tonne truck,(pause) then reversed on.
Man: Please, accept this humble offering (holds out another cigarette between index and middle finger) (shot 24)
Woman: (looks down at the cigarette almost in disgust but takes it from him anyway).
Man: The names Hank. Hank Leonard. (He offers her hand to her in greeting but she doesn’t respond) Pleased to meet ya’. (shot 25 last part of dialogue only cue.)
Woman: (not looking at him- looking down at the cigarette- says this quite quickly after his dialogue) What do you do Hank?
Man: I have various means
Woman: cop, huh? You certainly look like the type.
Man: You could say that’s part of it. But, I aint short on money.
Woman: (turns to him as she hasn’t been facing him the whole time- has a bit of a smile) (shot 26) and what do you do with all your money?
Man: mostly investments. You know. Stocks and shares.….. and I own a little theatre…. (shot 27- last part of dialogue cue)
Woman: I wouldn’t have thought of you as lover of the arts
Man: Im like a cake, theres always another layer
Woman: (looked shocked/disgusted) And what if I don’t like sweet things?. (shot 28)
Man: (tries to shrug the comment off) A dame like you? Okay…. Well then a diamond, so many different faces and sides of one thing. (shot 29) That better? (shot 30)
Woman: I don’t buy a lot of bullshit about diamonds being a girls best friend.
Man: friends are never worth the trouble.
Woman: I pride myself on not being in trouble. Pass me another cigarette.
Man: coming right up. ( shot 31)
Camera pulls out (shot 32)
Man: (passing a cigarette to her) Enjoy.
Woman: (takes cigarette and takes a drag) (shot 33)
Man: So (pause), what do you do?
Woman: (removes cigarette from her mouth and flicking the ash on the floor) I play all day (places cigarette back in mouth sexily)
Man: (stroking her arm) and what about the night? (shot 37)
Woman: (takes cigarette back out of her mouth) I try not to get bored. (shot 38 til end of dialogue.)
Man: (leans in to kiss the woman)
Woman: (turns away) I’m gunna smoke another cigarette (takes out another cigarette from packet cigarette packet from her clutch bag)
Man: (balls up his fist) I’ll join you (also takes out a packet of cigarettes)
Cuts away to the man we saw before. He puts on his trilby hat and moves closer to them still behind the wall but closer to the corner. (shot 39)
The woman leans against the wall . He is already ready with the lighter. He lights up her cigarette. She takes a drag and leans her head back watching the smoke as she exhales. She then grabs the man by his tie and kisses him. (shot 40) The man begins to caress her arms. He pulls away and offers him his hand. They walk together out of the frame.
Cuts away to the ally where the man in the hat appears at the corner. (shot 41) Puts his hands in his pockets. (shot 42) Looks down and then rubs out the cigarette under his foot. (shot 43) Then back up and walks away.
Music fades out.
Monday, 10 January 2011
Organisation; New Risk assessment
This is the new risk assessment;for the shoot on Friday the 7th of January out side my media studies parents house.
updates: filming
unfortunately due to the fact that my media studies partner was ill we couldn't go ahead with filming but we are planning on re shooting on Wednesday after college.
Audience Feedback: Beginning of filming
Audience feedback
Most people really liked the beginning of the filming but found that it was quite confusing because of the absence if dialogue. However, there will be dialogue in the later scenes and we wanted to create a subtle almost confusion at the opening so it’s all been quite positive so far.
We also had feedback saying that they really liked the tension between the two characters
We are planning on showing the same piece to people again once we have edited it to highlight the colour red as well as being black and white to see what people think of the effect.
Most people really liked the beginning of the filming but found that it was quite confusing because of the absence if dialogue. However, there will be dialogue in the later scenes and we wanted to create a subtle almost confusion at the opening so it’s all been quite positive so far.
We also had feedback saying that they really liked the tension between the two characters
We are planning on showing the same piece to people again once we have edited it to highlight the colour red as well as being black and white to see what people think of the effect.
Thursday, 6 January 2011
Audience Feedback: Animatic
Audience feedback
Most people so far have responded really well to the animatic and thought it “flowed really nicely.”
Some said that it was confusing because of the lack of sound” I think it would really help the story if there was some form of sound” or any speech but were already beginning to pick up on some of the ideas. For example, people were picking up on the tension between the femme fatale and the main man.
Some people also said it was “slightly confusing” because the person playing the mysterious man wasn’t the person who is actually casted to play him which made it slightly confusing. However people like the idea of the mysterious man once it was explained. I think the audience perhaps found it confusing due to the fact that we were using Barthes’ enigma code to create questions for our audience which can sometimes be quite misleading.
We plan on getting more feed back once we have done some filming and we can show what we have done so far to people and get their responses.
Feedback received
Most people so far have responded really well to the animatic and thought it “flowed really nicely.”
Some said that it was confusing because of the lack of sound” I think it would really help the story if there was some form of sound” or any speech but were already beginning to pick up on some of the ideas. For example, people were picking up on the tension between the femme fatale and the main man.
Some people also said it was “slightly confusing” because the person playing the mysterious man wasn’t the person who is actually casted to play him which made it slightly confusing. However people like the idea of the mysterious man once it was explained. I think the audience perhaps found it confusing due to the fact that we were using Barthes’ enigma code to create questions for our audience which can sometimes be quite misleading.
We plan on getting more feed back once we have done some filming and we can show what we have done so far to people and get their responses.
Feedback received
Monday, 3 January 2011
Filming did not go according to plan as quite a few of our extras that had agreed to help us could not make it because of the snow and the conditions on the roads.
This made things very difficult in terms of positioning things so it looked like the people who could make it were talking to other people when actually there was no one there.
We also experienced problems because hair and make up took a lot longer than expected and gahering everyone up took longer than first thought too.
By the time we had finished hair and make up and everyone who could make it had turned up it was almost 12 o:clock which lef us only half an hour to start and finish filming.
We also found it difficult because some of the extras that had come from new college had not managed to get costumes as they were asked lat minuet because of other people not being able to make it.
I then had to leave at 1 o'clock because my college christmas consert was starting and i was in it.
After one thing went wrong everything else seemed to o wrong. I was then told that we only had coffee bar bbooked until 1 o'clock but managed to extend our time until 1:30 but this put a lot of pressure on us to finish filming.
After i left I know things didn't get much better as I reveived an e-mail from Tiffany letting me know what happened.
They only managed to film half of the shots and it had to be done very quickly so we will have to try and re film at a later date which has now been agreed with our actors.
However we were extremely organised in our planning as instead of meeting at 10 o;clock at the BP garage we met at 9 and by half past 10 we were finished.
We have also slightly changed the script so that the dialogue now takes place outside when the main characters are smoking rather than inside the bar.
overall i found the hole experience quite stresful. However, we have learned that we need to set asside more time for filming as we didn't originally think that the process would take as long as it did.
We weill continuing filming and blogging after christmas 2011.
See you soon :)
This made things very difficult in terms of positioning things so it looked like the people who could make it were talking to other people when actually there was no one there.
We also experienced problems because hair and make up took a lot longer than expected and gahering everyone up took longer than first thought too.
By the time we had finished hair and make up and everyone who could make it had turned up it was almost 12 o:clock which lef us only half an hour to start and finish filming.
We also found it difficult because some of the extras that had come from new college had not managed to get costumes as they were asked lat minuet because of other people not being able to make it.
I then had to leave at 1 o'clock because my college christmas consert was starting and i was in it.
After one thing went wrong everything else seemed to o wrong. I was then told that we only had coffee bar bbooked until 1 o'clock but managed to extend our time until 1:30 but this put a lot of pressure on us to finish filming.
After i left I know things didn't get much better as I reveived an e-mail from Tiffany letting me know what happened.
They only managed to film half of the shots and it had to be done very quickly so we will have to try and re film at a later date which has now been agreed with our actors.
However we were extremely organised in our planning as instead of meeting at 10 o;clock at the BP garage we met at 9 and by half past 10 we were finished.
We have also slightly changed the script so that the dialogue now takes place outside when the main characters are smoking rather than inside the bar.
overall i found the hole experience quite stresful. However, we have learned that we need to set asside more time for filming as we didn't originally think that the process would take as long as it did.
We weill continuing filming and blogging after christmas 2011.
See you soon :)
This is our shot list but reordered in the order we are going to be filming it in.
We have listed the shots that can be filmed together.
We want to film the dialogue from one perspective and then the other to make the scene more fluid and realistic.
We have listed the shots that can be filmed together.
We want to film the dialogue from one perspective and then the other to make the scene more fluid and realistic.
We will have to do shots 1-44 after these shots shown above as they are more unique, e.g close ups or extreme close ups.
We will have to do shots 1-44 after these shots shown above as they are more unique, e.g close ups or extreme close ups.
Final Organisation For Filming:
We have confirmed with all actors that we are to meet in coffee bar New College Worcester on the 17th of December at 12:10.
We confirmed this in a meeting with all of the cast present.
I will be leaving to meet my media studies partener Tiffany Sheriden at 10 am by the BP garage opposite New College.
We will hen spend the next few hours creating our set in coffee bar.
We will have to menouver some sofa's, arm chairs's and also a pool table in order to create our bar.
We are also going to have to use black caard to block out some of the decoration on the walls on the inside of the bar and also clean behinde the bar itself.
I will need to collect some stools from science as we have non to use for the bar seating in the actual coffee bar itself. we will also have to arrange some tape on the floor where we are going to be placeing the tripod so everyone is aware of where it is going to be.
We aim for our actors to arrive at 12;00 and to have hair and make up done by 12;10. The hair and make up will be done by Tiffany on set and then the actors will go and change in the seporate bathrooms. We have also come up with a number of shots we could try as experiments such as the pool table light swithches and doorhandles as characters enter and leave rooms to create dramatic effect and demonstrate continuety editing.
We have gathered up all that we need in the way of props and make up aswell as organising that all our actors bring their own costume to the shoot.
We confirmed this in a meeting with all of the cast present.
I will be leaving to meet my media studies partener Tiffany Sheriden at 10 am by the BP garage opposite New College.
We will hen spend the next few hours creating our set in coffee bar.
We will have to menouver some sofa's, arm chairs's and also a pool table in order to create our bar.
We are also going to have to use black caard to block out some of the decoration on the walls on the inside of the bar and also clean behinde the bar itself.
I will need to collect some stools from science as we have non to use for the bar seating in the actual coffee bar itself. we will also have to arrange some tape on the floor where we are going to be placeing the tripod so everyone is aware of where it is going to be.
We aim for our actors to arrive at 12;00 and to have hair and make up done by 12;10. The hair and make up will be done by Tiffany on set and then the actors will go and change in the seporate bathrooms. We have also come up with a number of shots we could try as experiments such as the pool table light swithches and doorhandles as characters enter and leave rooms to create dramatic effect and demonstrate continuety editing.
We have gathered up all that we need in the way of props and make up aswell as organising that all our actors bring their own costume to the shoot.
Time Organisation Updates:
We are going to be filming tomorrow in coffee bar! However we are both nerves because it is snowing heavily hear now and we dont want that to effect the day. So we are fully prepeared we have printed out all of our script, shot lists and storyboard so we have them all to hand in the morning.
We have also charge the camera we are going to use to the max in the hope that it doesn't run out of battery half way through filming.
We have also charge the camera we are going to use to the max in the hope that it doesn't run out of battery half way through filming.
Organisation: Risk assesment
I have created a risk assesment for our shoot on Friday:
I used images to issustrate my points.
I used images to issustrate my points.
Unfortunatly all the cameras in college have been booked out to other students. However we tested my partners personal camera and it was compatable with the college computer so we can use her camer to film.
We also looked at the settings on the camera to have a look at the different effects. We found black and white, we also found a setting which allows a certain collour to be to be seen aswell as black and white for example, red (which is the colour we want to highlight).
This should helpfully help us in the editing process because it means that this is one thing that is already done.
We also looked at the settings on the camera to have a look at the different effects. We found black and white, we also found a setting which allows a certain collour to be to be seen aswell as black and white for example, red (which is the colour we want to highlight).
This should helpfully help us in the editing process because it means that this is one thing that is already done.
Planning of filming:
WE have come up with and printed off a list of handy tips to help us with our filming process to ensure that it runs smoothly:
- filming more footage than we need. we should experiment with different shots.
- film the scene from a number of different viewpoints, angles and distances.
- keep thinking of shots that could help demonstrate continuity editing
- make sure the camera is fully charged or the tape is rewound back
- have at least 5 seconds at the start and the end of the shot. This will help us later when the editing process begins when we need to cut out parts.
- save the files in a number of different places incase something were to go wrong.
- filming more footage than we need. we should experiment with different shots.
- film the scene from a number of different viewpoints, angles and distances.
- keep thinking of shots that could help demonstrate continuity editing
- make sure the camera is fully charged or the tape is rewound back
- have at least 5 seconds at the start and the end of the shot. This will help us later when the editing process begins when we need to cut out parts.
- save the files in a number of different places incase something were to go wrong.
Organisation: planning location
We now have Written permission from Rod Orr head of care at my college to film in coffee bar on Friday the 17th of Decenber.
We have been given from 9 o'clock until 1:30 pm to film.
Here is a picture my partener took of me with the permission letter.
We have been given from 9 o'clock until 1:30 pm to film.
Here is a picture my partener took of me with the permission letter.
planning: story board and animatic
Ater experienceing a few problems with the programs and a small problem with cast, my partner and I have createe the animatic.
My partner had to use her friend to stand in as the mysterious man so that we could make the scene but however this person will not be playing this role in the actual piece.
<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie"
This is the URL to our animatic on youtube:
My partner had to use her friend to stand in as the mysterious man so that we could make the scene but however this person will not be playing this role in the actual piece.
<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie"
This is the URL to our animatic on youtube:
Planning: scripting
After reading and going through my parteners scripting plan we decided to add in a few more lines and give our main man an exposition voice over.
My partener is going to look at how other film noir films have used expostion voice overs so we have a better idea of how we can introduce one in to our piece.
My partener is going to look at how other film noir films have used expostion voice overs so we have a better idea of how we can introduce one in to our piece.
Here is the final script:
- Scene opens with fingers stroking a glass, you can hear 1940’s style jazz music playing in the background. You can hear background noise of multiple in quiet conversation.
-voiceover exposition of man’s voice- she was blonde/brunette/a redhead,(delete as appropriate) and legs for hours (should start when he starts looking at her)
- A woman is seated at the bar, by herself. At the other side of the bar there’s is a man, looking intently at the female. He seems to be attracted to her as he watches what she does and shows the male gaze of looking at her eyes and lips.
Nothing is said but both characters look back and forth to each other (shots 1-10) until the woman pulls out a packet of cigarettes (shot 11). The man responds by pulling out a lighter (shot 12). She walks out of the door outside to go smoke (shot 13), he follows. (shot 14)
Outside the bar on the street, you can still hear the music faintly playing in the background.
(shot 15)
Woman: (lights cigarette and avoids looking at the man and leans against the wall) (shot 16)
Man: (after lighting her cigarette) a thank you would be nice. (shot 17) (walks to the other side of her)
Exposition voiceover: Dames. Jeez. They rip your heart out without even breaking a sweat.
Woman: (exhales cigarette smoke) you’re trying too hard. (shot 18)
Man: I can tell you’re flattered.
Woman: (sarcastically) Yes. I’ve never been talked to by a guy at a bar ever in my whole god damn life before. (shot 19) Do you talk to every girl you see at a bar?
Man: Only the beautiful ones. I’m sorry dollface. I didn’t realise you were so… sensitive. (shot 20)
Woman: you don’t get any points for modesty (shot 21)
Man: humph. I didn’t bring up scoring. But either way, if id known it woulda’ made no difference. (shot 21)
Woman: (drops her cigarette on the floor and sighs. She opens the door and walks through) (shot 22)
Man: (he touches the wall she was leaning against and looks down shaking his head a bit in regret. He opens the door and goes through) (shot 22)
Exposition voiceover: My heart felt like it had been run over by a ten tonne truck,(pause) then reversed on.
Scene Cuts to the woman sitting by herself at the bar again. In the background we can see another man sitting by himself- he seems to be looking at the woman despite being slightly out of focus. (shot 23)
Man: Please, accept this humble offering (sets down drink to her) (shot 24)
Woman: (looks down at the glass almost in disgust but takes it in her hand).
Man: The names Hank. Hank Leonard. (He offers her hand to her in greeting but she doesn’t respond) Pleased to meet ya’. (shot 25 last part of dialogue only cue.)
Woman: (not looking at him- looking down at her drink- says this quite quickly after his dialogue) What do you do Hank?
Man: I have various means
Woman: cop, huh? You certainly look like the type.
Man: You could say that’s part of it. But, I aint short on money.
Woman: (turns to him as she hasn’t been facing him the whole time- has a bit of a smile) (shot 26) and what do you do with all your money?
Man: mostly investments. You know. Stocks and shares.….. and I own a little theatre…. (shot 27- last part of dialogue cue)
Woman: I wouldn’t have thought of you as lover of the arts
Man: Im like a cake, theres always another layer
Woman: (looked shocked/disgusted) And what if I don’t like sweet things?. (shot 28)
Man: (tries to shrug the comment off) A dame like you? Okay…. Well then a diamond, so many different faces and sides of one thing. (shot 29) That better? (shot 30)
Woman: I don’t buy a lot of bullshit about diamonds being a girls best friend.
Man: friends are never worth the trouble.
Woman: I pride myself on not being in trouble. Buy me another drink.
(says to the barman) vodka martini. With a twist. ( shot 31)
Camera pulls out (shot 32)
Barman: (setting the drink down) Enjoy.
Woman: (takes martini glass and sips it) (shot 33)
Man: So (pause), what do you do?
Woman: (sets down martini and takes out and olive on a cocktail stick) I play all day (eats olive sexily)
Man: (stroking her arm) and what about the night? (shot 37)
Woman: (puts cocktail stick back in glass) I try not to get bored. (shot 38 til end of dialogue.)
Man: (leans in to kiss the woman)
Woman: (turns away) I’m gonna smoke a cigarette (gets up and walks away)
Man: (balls up his fist) I’ll join you (also leaves)
Cuts away to the man we saw before. He puts on his trilby hat and gets up and walks away from his table. (shot 39)
Cuts to outside setting again. The woman walks out the door first and the man follows. She leans against the wall and takes out a cigarette. He is already ready with the lighter. He lights up her cigarette. She takes a drag and leans her head back watching the smoke as she exhales. She then grabs the man by his tie and kisses him. (shot 40) The man begins to caress her arms. He pulls away and offers him his hand. They walk together out of the frame.
Cuts away to the door and the man in the hat comes out. (shot 41) Puts his hands in his pockets. (shot 42) Looks down and then rubs out the cigarette under his foot. (shot 43) Then back up and walks away.
Music fades out.
updates: Cast
My partener has managed to find three pople who are definatly going to be our main characters.
Lizzie Hughes is going to play the Fem fetal.
Matt Roach is going to play the main man character
and Lizzie Roach is going to be one of the extras.
I have asked a few pople if they would be interested in being extras but i have yet to conferm anyone.
Lizzie Hughes is going to play the Fem fetal.
Matt Roach is going to play the main man character
and Lizzie Roach is going to be one of the extras.
I have asked a few pople if they would be interested in being extras but i have yet to conferm anyone.
updates: organisation of location
We came up with the idea of using the Coffe bar at my college New College Worcester in centrel Worcester.
I will be asking for permission from my head of care ASAP to see if the location will be suitable.
I will be asking for permission from my head of care ASAP to see if the location will be suitable.
Orfanisation For Props/Costume:
When i get back to college i'm going to gather things that could be used as props or as parts of the costumes, while my partener goes in to town to see what things she can find there.
I will also be headng out in to town soon to have a look for anythings that we may need after today.
We also made this exel spread sheet to help us organise oursleves and work out who was responsible for what and how mch it would cost us so we can work out roughly how much money we will need.
All of the images shown above are things that we will need to look for in order to create our finished piece.
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