Monday, 3 January 2011

genre analysis

Genre specific analysis
The film “sunset boulevard” (1905) is an American film noir film written and co directed by Billy Wilder. This film was named after the boulevard that runs through los Angelis and Beverly Hills, California.
The genre of the film is demonstrated through the use of the typical conventions of film noir using black and white to illustrate the seriousness almost menacing feeling, whilst also using typical non diagetic, foreboding, fast pace music over the opening titles. The use of black and white can also be used to connote the underlying sense of depression. Most of the film noir films where written in the 1940s when many people were fleeing the from Hitler and the Nazis. This is why depression is a running theme within the film noir genre because they were written during the great depression.
 Bart’s enigma code is used to create mystery and questions for the audience as it generally begins with the conclusion and works its way back through the story in order to unravel the mystery. This allows the audience to establish that this is a murder mystery. Murder is a common theme associated with the film noir genre that runs through many of the classic film noir films. This use of Bart’s enigma code allows the audience to begin working out what has happened. We are aware that the murder has taken place at one of the biggest old time start homes as the body was found in her pool. This positions her character in the eye of the audience making her a character of suspicion.  
The tone of the music creates a tense, dramatic mood throughout the opening sequence.  In contrast however, the tone of the narrator appears to be very detached and lacking in empathy. In this context, the narrator gives a factual account of events, almost devoid of emotion.  This exposition voice is common to the film noir genre. It is often used to reveal characters inner thoughts (mainly the hero), as their personality and character develops.  This allows the audience to actually witness the development of the main character. The narration can also be used to reveal certain parts of the story, establish time and place and create the mood and tone. For example, in “Sunset Boulevard” it is used to explain what is happening, where it is happening, what time it is happening and why it is happening. “Yes this is Sunset Boulevard Beverly Hill California, its about five o’clock in the morning. That’s the homicide squad complete with detectives and news paper men. A murder has been reported in one of those big houses on the 10,000 block”. This is all said while the action of the scene is taking place. This reoccurs a number of times throughout the film. This is another typical convention of film noir and is used in other well known film noir films such as “Sin City”
 We also learn that the film is set in the suburbs of Beverly Hills California, through the cinematography (the wide angle long shot) of the police cars speeding down the country road in to the large mansion grounds.  This is a typical camera angle used by film noir films. Another classic cinematography method used are close ups on feet. This creates a mysterious feeling because it is only allowing the audience to see a very small portion of the action happening leaving the audience having to guess what else is happening.  
The suburbs are often used as locations in film noir films along with urban locations and dark city streets. These are often used to connote the sense of underlying depression.
The “hero” is a character typically associated with film noir films. The hero is often a man from the darker side of good trying to escape his mysterious past and often led a stray by the notorious fem fetal another character associated with this genre. The fem fetal is a women who uses her seductive charm to lead our helpless hero in to dangerous situations and is often the person who commits the crimes, allowing the hero to take the blame. Or lours the hero in to committing some crime of passion.  
Finally some of the props associated with the film noir genre are cigarettes and cigarette smoke. They are used mainly in the scenes between the hero and the fem fetal to enhance the sexual tension. Brimmed hats are also a prop strongly associated with film noir. They are used to create shadows over the face enhancing the mystery and adding to the feeling of menace.    

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